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[½ÅÇпµÇÑ»çÀü] Tibni - ¶æ: µðºê´Ï, ±â³´ÀÇ ÀÚ, À̽º¶ó¿¤ÀÇ ¿Õ
(¿Õ»ó 16:21-22)

[½ÅÇпµÇÑ»çÀü] united Israel - ¶æ: ÅëÀÏ À̽º¶ó¿¤

[½ÅÇпµÇÑ»çÀü] Zimri - ¶æ: ½Ã¹Ç¸®, À̽º¶ó¿¤ ¿Õ
(¿Õ»ó 16:9-20)

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [1003] Boovz    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : º¸¿ÀÁî Booz {bo-oz'} ¾î±Ù : 1162 ±â¿øÀº È÷ºê¸®¾î ¾îÀÇ : À̽º¶ó¿¤ÀÎ, º¸¾Æ½º ¹®¹ý : ³²¼ºÇü °íÀ¯¸í»ç of Hebrew origin 01162; AV - Booz 3; 3 Boaz = "in him is strength" 1) a kinsman of Ruth, afterwards her second husband

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [1045] Gavd    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : °¡µå Gad {gad} ¾î±Ù : 1410 ±â¿øÀº È÷ºê¸®¾î ¾îÀÇ : À̽º¶ó¿¤ÀÇ ÁöÆÄ, °« ¹®¹ý : À§Ä¡°Ý °íÀ¯¸í»ç of Hebrew origin 01410; AV - Gad 1; 1 Gad = "a troop" 1) the seventh son of the patriarch Jacob, by Zilpah, Leah's maid

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [1059] Gamalihvl    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : °¡¸»¸®¿¤ Gamaliel {gam-al-ee-ale'} ¾î±Ù : 1583 ±â¿øÀº È÷ºê¸®¾î ¾îÀÇ : À̽º¶ó¿¤ÀÎ, °¡¸»¸®¿¤ ¹®¹ý : ³²¼ºÇü °íÀ¯¸í»ç of Hebrew origin 01583]; AV - Gamaliel 2; 2 Gamaliel = "my recompenser is God" 1) a Pharisee and celebrated doctor of the law, who gave prudent worldly advice ...

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [1066] Gedewvn    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : °Ôµ¥¿Â Gedeon {ghed-eh-own'} ¾î±Ù : 1439 ±â¿øÀº È÷ºê¸®¾î ¾îÀÇ : ±âµå¿Â, À̽º¶ó¿¤ÀÎ ¹®¹ý : ³²¼ºÇü °íÀ¯¸í»ç of Hebrew origin 01439; AV - Gedeon 1; 1 Gideon = "the cutter down" 1) a of the judge of Israel who delivered them from the Midianites

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [10] !Abiouvd    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ¾Æºñ¿ô Abioud {ab-ee-ood'} ¾î±Ù : 31 ±â¿øÀº È÷ºê¸®¾î ¾îÀÇ : À̽º¶ó¿¤ÀÎ ¾Æºñ¿ô ¹®¹ý : À§Ä¡°Ý °íÀ¯¸í»ç of Hebrew origin 031; AV - Abiud 2; 2 Abiud = "my father is majesty" 1) the son of Bela and grandson of Benjamin (1 Ch. 8:3)

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [1138] Dabivd    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ´Ùºñµå Dabid {dab-eed'} ¾î±Ù : 1732 ±â¿øÀº È÷ºê¸®¾î ¾îÀÇ : ´ÙÀ­, À̽º¶ó¿¤ ¿Õ ¹®¹ý : ³²¼ºÇü °íÀ¯¸í»ç of Hebrew origin 01732; TDNT - 8:478,* AV - David 59; 59 1) second king of Israel, and ancestor of Jesus Christ

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [1158] Danihvl    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ´Ù´Ï¿¤ Daniel {dan-ee-ale'} ¾î±Ù : 1840 ±â¿øÀº È÷ºê¸®¾î ¾îÀÇ : ´Ù´Ï¿¤, À̽º¶ó¿¤ ÀÎ ¹®¹ý : ³²¼ºÇü °íÀ¯¸í»ç of Hebrew origin 01840; AV - Daniel 2; 2 Daniel = "judgment of God" 1) the name of a Jewish prophet, noted for his wisdom and prophecies

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [1290] diasporav    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : µð¾Æ½ºÆ÷¶ó diaspora {dee-as-por-ah'} ¾î±Ù : *1289 ¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ¾îÀÇ : ºÐ»ê, À̹泪¶ó¿¡ °ÅÁÖÇÏ´Â À̽º¶ó¿¤ÀÎ ¹®¹ý : ¿©¼ºÇü ¸í»ç from 1289; TDNT - 2:98,156 AV - dispersed 1, scatter abroad 1, scattered 1; 3 1) a scattering, dispersion 1a) of Israelites dispersed among foreign na ...

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [132] Aijneva"    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ¾ÆÀ̳׾ƽº Aineas {ahee-neh'-as} ¾î±Ù : ¾î¿ø ºÒÈ®½ÇÇÔ ¾îÀÇ : À̽º¶ó¿¤ÀÎ, ¾Ö´Ï¾Æ ¹®¹ý : ³²¼ºÇü °íÀ¯¸í»ç of uncertain derivation; AV - Aeneas 2; 2 Aeneas = "laudable" 1) the name of a paralytic cured by Peter at Lydia

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [13] #Alabo"    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ¾Æ°¡º¸½º Agabos {ag'-ab-os} ¾î±Ù : 2285 ±â¿øÀº È÷ºê¸®¾î ¾îÀÇ : À̽º¶ó¿¤ÀÎ ¾Æ°¡º¸ ¹®¹ý : ³²¼ºÇü °íÀ¯¸í»ç of Hebrew origin, cf 02285; AV - Agabus 2; 2 Agabus = "locust" 1) a Christian prophet

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [1648] !Eleavzar    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ¿¤·¹¾ÆÀß Eleazar {el-eh-ad'-zar} ¾î±Ù : ±â¿øÀº È÷ºê¸®¾î ¾îÀÇ : ¿¤¸£¾Æ»ì(À̽º¶ó¿¤ÀÎ) ¹®¹ý : ³²¼ºÇü °íÀ¯¸í»ç of Hebrew origin 0499; AV - Eleazar 2; 2 Eleazar = "help of God" 1) one of the ancestors of Christ

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [1662] !Eliakeivm    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ¿¤¸®¾ÆÄÉÀÓ Eliakeim {el-ee-ak-ime'} ¾î±Ù : ±â¿øÀº È÷ºê¸®¾î ¾îÀÇ : ¿¤¸®¾Æ±è(À̽º¶ó¿¤ÀÎ) ¹®¹ý : ³²¼ºÇü °íÀ¯¸í»ç of Hebrew origin 0471; AV - Eliakim 3; 3 Eliakim = "raising up by God" 1) the eldest son of Abiud or Judah, bother of Joseph, and father of Azor Mt. 1:13 2) son of ...

kcm  1861161
±³È¸  999710
¼±±³  956121
¿¹¼ö  903249
¼³±³  787778
¾Æ½Ã¾Æ  695640
¼¼°è  672589
¼±±³È¸  645333
»ç¶û  636355
¹Ù¿ï  631382



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