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[½ÅÇпµÇÑ»çÀü] Ancient[Classical] Greek - ¶æ: °í´ë[°íÀü] Çï¶ó¾î
(A.D. 200³â ±îÁö)

[½ÅÇпµÇÑ»çÀü] Grecian - ¶æ: Çï¶óÆÄ À¯´ëÀÎ
(Çà 6:1)

[½ÅÇпµÇÑ»çÀü] Greek - ¶æ: Çï¶ó, Çï¶óÀÎ
(°¥ 3:28)

[½ÅÇпµÇÑ»çÀü] Greek fathers - ¶æ: Çï¶ó¾î·Î Àú¼úÇÑ ±³ºÎµé

[½ÅÇпµÇÑ»çÀü] Greek Jew - ¶æ: Çï¶ó¾î »ó¿ë À¯´ëÀÎ

[½ÅÇпµÇÑ»çÀü] Greek-speaking - ¶æ: Çï¶ó¾î »ç¿ëÀÇ, Çï¶óÆÄÀÇ

[½ÅÇпµÇÑ»çÀü] Hellas - ¶æ: Çï¶ó,
GreeceÀÇ º°Äª

[½ÅÇпµÇÑ»çÀü] Hellenization - ¶æ: Çï¶óÈ­, ±×¸®À̽ºÈ­

[½ÅÇпµÇÑ»çÀü] Macedonia - ¶æ: ¸¶°Ôµµ³Ä (¼þ¹è) Çï¶óÀÇ ºÏºÎ,
¹Ù¿ïÀÇ ÃÖÃÊ ¼±±³¹«´ë (Çà 16:9)

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [139] ai{resi"    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : ÇÏÀÌ·¹½Ã½º hairesis {hah'-ee-res-is} ¾î±Ù : *138 ¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ¾îÀÇ : '¼±ÅÃ','´çÆÄ',ÀÌ´Ü,Æí´ç,(Ãß»óÀûÀ¸·Î) 'ºÐ¸®', ÀÌ´Ü(Çï¶ó¾î ÀÚü) ¹®¹ý : ¿©¼ºÇü ¸í»ç from 138; TDNT - 1:180,27 AV - sect 5, heresy 4; 9 1) act of taking, capture: e.g. storming a city 2) choosing, choice 3) tha ...

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [1671] @Ellav"    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : Çï¶ó½º Hellas {hel-las'} ¾î±Ù : ºÒÈ®½ÇÇÑ À¯»ç¾î ¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ¾îÀÇ : Çï¶ó À¯·´ÀÇ ÇÑ ³ª¶ó ¹®¹ý : À§Ä¡°Ý °íÀ¯¸í»ç of uncertain affinity; TDNT - 2:504,227 AV - Greece 1; 1 Greece = "unstable: the miry one" 1) a country in southern Europe

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [1672] #Ellhn    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : Çï·» Hellen {hel'-lane} ¾î±Ù : *1671 ¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ¾îÀÇ : Çï¶ó»ç¶÷, Çï¶ó¾î ¸»ÇÏ´Â »ç¶÷, À¯´ëÀÎÀÌ ¾Æ´Ñ ÀÚ, À̹æÀÎ ¹®¹ý : ³²¼ºÇü ¸í»ç from 1671; TDNT - 2:504,227 AV - Greek 20, Gentile 7; 27 1) a Greek either by nationality, whether a native of the main land or of the Greek islands o ...

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [1673] @Ellhnikov"    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : Çï·¹´ÏÄÚ½º Hellenikos {hel-lay-nee-kos'} ¾î±Ù : *1672 ¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ¾îÀÇ : Çï¶óÀÇ, ±×¸®À̽º¾î ¹®¹ý : Çü¿ë»ç from 1672; TDNT - 2:504,227 AV - Greek 2; 2 1) a Grecian

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [1674] @Ellhniv"    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : Çï·¹´Ï½º Hellenis {hel-lay-nis'} ¾î±Ù : *1672ÀÇ ¿©¼ºÇü ¾îÀÇ : Çï¶ó¿©ÀÚ, Çï¶óÀÎ ¹®¹ý : ¿©¼ºÇü ¸í»ç feminine of 1672; TDNT - 2:504,227 AV - Greek 2; 2 1) a Greek women 2) a Gentile women, not a Jewess

[½ºÆ®·ÕÄÚµå»çÀü(Çï)] [1675] @Ellhnisthv"    KCM (°ü¸®ÀÚ)
¹ßÀ½ : Çï·¹´Ï½ºÅ×½º Hellenistes {hel-lay-nis-tace'} ¾î±Ù : *1672ÀÇ ÆÄ»ý¾î ¿¡¼­ À¯·¡ ¾îÀÇ : Çï¶ó¸» »ç¿ëÀÚ, Çï¶ó¾î¸¦ ¸»ÇÏ´Â À¯´ëÀÎ, Çï¶ó¸»À» ÇÏ´Â »ç¶÷ ¹®¹ý : ³²¼ºÇü ¸í»ç from a derivative of 1672; TDNT - 2:504,227 AV - Grecians 3; 3 1) a Hellenist 1a) one who imitates the manners a ...

kcm  1860995
±³È¸  999661
¼±±³  956064
¿¹¼ö  903196
¼³±³  787737
¾Æ½Ã¾Æ  695603
¼¼°è  672550
¼±±³È¸  645300
»ç¶û  636322
¹Ù¿ï  631345



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