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 Ã¢¼¼±â 1Àå 1Àý (â 1:1-1:31) - âÁ¶ÀÇ ½ÃÀÛ
<P class=PAR-L-Main-Text id=vii.p66><B><SPAN class=line>Verse 1.</SPAN></B> <I><CITE id=vii.p66.1>In the beginning.</CITE></I> To expound the term "beginning," of Christ, is altogether frivolous. For Moses simply intends to assert that the world ...
 Ã¢¼¼±â 1Àå 3Àý (â 1:3-5) - ù°³¯-ºû
<P class=PAR-L-Main-Text id=vii.p87><B><SPAN class=line>Verse 3.</SPAN></B> <I><CITE id=vii.p87.1>And God said</CITE></I> . Moses now, for the first time, introduces God in the act of speaking, as if he had created the mass of heaven and earth wi ...
 Ã¢¼¼±â 1Àå 14Àý (â 1:14-19) - ³Ý°³¯-ÇØ ,´Þ,º°
Verse 14. Let there be lights . 33 Moses passes onwards to the fourth day, on which the stars were made. God had before created the light, but he now institutes a new order in nature, that the sun should be the dispenser of diurnal light, and the moon and stars should shine by night. And He assigns ...
 Ã¢¼¼±â 1Àå 24Àý (â 1:24-31) - ¿©¼¸Â°³¯-µ¿¹°°ú »ç¶÷
Verse 24. Let the earth bring forth . He descends to the sixth day, on which the animals were created, and then man. 'Let the earth,' he says, 'bring forth living creatures.' But whence has a dead element life? Therefore, there is in this respect a miracle as great as if God had begun to create out ...
 Ã¢¼¼±â 2Àå 1Àý (â 2:1-7) - ÀÏ°ö°³¯-¾È½Ä
Genesis 2 Verse 1. Thus the heavens and the earth were finished . 1 Moses summarily repeats that in six days the fabric of the heaven and the earth was completed. The general division of the world is made into these two parts, as has been stated at the commencement of the first chapter. But he no ...
 Ã¢¼¼±â 2Àå 8Àý (â 2:8-20) - ¿¡µ§µ¿»êÀÇ Ã¢¼³
Verse 8. And the Lord God planted . 18 Moses now adds the condition and rule of living which were given to man. And, first, he narrates in what part of the world he was placed, and what a happy and pleasant habitation was allotted to him. Moses says, that God had planted accommodating himself, by a ...
 Ã¢¼¼±â 4Àå 1Àý (â 4:1-7) - °¡Àΰú ¾Æº§ÀÇ Ãâ»ý
Genesis 4 Verse 1. And Adam knew his wife Eve . Moses now begins to describe the propagation of mankind; in which history it is important to notice that this benediction of God, "Increase and multiply," was not abolished by sin; and not only so, but that the heart of Adam was divinely confirmed so ...
 Ã¢¼¼±â 6Àå 1Àý (â 6:1-8) - ÀηùÀÇ Á˾Ç
Genesis 6 Verse 1. And it came to pass , when men began to multiply . Moses, having enumerated in order, ten patriarchs, with whom the worship of God remained pure, now relates, that their families also were corrupted. But this narration must be traced to an earlier period than the five hundredth y ...
 Ã¢¼¼±â 7Àå 1Àý (â 7:1-16) - ¹æÁÖ·Î µé¾î°£ ³ë¾Æ
Genesis 7 Verse 1. And the Lord said unto Noah . I have no doubt that Noah was confirmed, as he certainly needed to be, by oracles frequently repeated. He had already sustained, during one hundred years, the greatest and most furious assaults; and the invincible combatant had achieved memorable vic ...
 Ã¢¼¼±â 8Àå 1Àý (â 8:1-5) - ¹°À» °¨ÇϽŠÇϳª´Ô
Genesis 8 Verse 1. And God remembered Noah . Moses now descends more particularly to that other part of the subject, which shows, that Noah was not disappointed in his hope of the salvation divinely promised to him. The remembrance of which Moses speaks, ought to be referred not only to the externa ...
 Ã¢¼¼±â 9Àå 1Àý (â 9:1-7) - È«¼ö ÈÄÀÇ Ãູ
Genesis 9 Verse 1. And God blessed Noah . We hence infer with what great fear Noah had been dejected, because God, so often and at such length, proceeds to encourage him. For when Moses here says, that God blessed Noah and his sons, he does not simply mean that the favor of fruitfulness was restore ...
 Ã¢¼¼±â 10Àå 1Àý (â 10:1-5) - ¾ßºªÀÇ ÀÚ¼Õ
Genesis 10 Verse 1. These are the generations . If any one pleases more accurately to examine the genealogies related by Moses in this and the following chapter, I do not condemn his industry. 1 And some interpreters have not unsuccessfully applied their diligence and study to this point. Let them ...


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